Process Instrumentation: Enhancement of technical expertise, with heavy class participation for equipment operation and maintenance. Pneumatic principles, calibration, transducers & transmitters, signal conditioning; actuators, positioners & control valves. Controllers/tuning. Interactive loops-boilers, distillation. 24-40 hours.
Programmable Controllers: An enhancement course with heavy class participation. Programmable logic, controllers vs. computers; contacts, timers & counters; sequencers & registers; edit/program functions, types of PLC and programming, installation & troubleshooting, industrial program applications. 24-40 hours.
Servo & Proportional Valves: Principles of operation & design, different valve types. Directional, pressure, speed and pump volume control; electronic input/feedback; troubleshooting and adjustments. 8-16 hours, maximum of 10 attendees per training session.
Basic Drive Application Training Class for Microprocessor Based IGBT AC Drives: See full outline for details.